"The Mannheim Slide Rule"
by: William E. Breckenridge
Copyright 1922
This manual appears to the be first work of William Brackenridge for K&E. The style for his later Mannheim
manuals is started here. This manual covers the 4041 and 4053 families. The 1924 Mannheim manual is a major edit
of this manual and the 1924 Polyphase manual was taken from this text.
This edition is divided into three different sections:
Cover and opening pages:
- Cover
- Illustration of Mannheim Slide Rule -------------------------------------- pages i-ii
- Title page --------------------------------------------------------------- page iii
- Copyright page ---------------------------------------------------------- page iv
Answers to Problems:
- Answers ----------------------------------------------------------------- pages 70-72
- Index -------------------------------------------------------------------- page 78
"The Mannheim & Polyphase Slide Rules" by William E. Breckenridge,
Copyrighted 1922
- The Slide Rule ------------------------------------------------------------ pages 1-2
- Preface ------------------------------------------------------------ page 1
- Who should use the slide rule? ------------------------------------- page 1
- How much education is necessary? -------------------------------- page 2
- How much time will it take? --------------------------------------- page 2
- How accurate is it? ------------------------------------------------ page 2
- How to use this manual. ------------------------------------------- page 2
- Chapter I ----------------------------------------------------------------- pages 3-16
- Essentials Simply Explained ---------------------------------------- page 3
- Squares and Square Roots ---------------------------------------- pages 4-5
- Placing the Decimal Point ------------------------------------------ page 6
- Which Index to Use ----------------------------------------------- pages 7-12
- Squares ----------------------------------------------------------- page 13
- Square Roots ----------------------------------------------------- pages 14-15
- When more than two numbers are to be multiplied together -------- page 15
- To the Student ---------------------------------------------------- page 16
- Chapter II --------------------------------------------------------------- pages 16-
- The Theory of the Slide Rule -------------------------------------- page 16
- Historical Note --------------------------------------------------- page 16
- Accuracy --------------------------------------------------------- page 17
- Accuracy of the Observed Data --------------------------- page 17
- Accuracy of Mathematical Constants ---------------------- page 18
- Accuracy of Physical Constants --------------------------- page 18
- Limits of Accuracy - Holman's Rule ----------------------- page 18
- Percentage of Error --------------------------------------- pages 18-19
- Logarithms ------------------------------------------------------- page 19
- Law of Multiplication --------------------------------------------- page 19
- Multiplication ----------------------------------------------------- pages 19-21
- Division ----------------------------------------------------------- page 21
- Proportion -------------------------------------------------------- page 21
- Squares and Square Roots ---------------------------------------- page 21
- Cubes ------------------------------------------------------------ pages 22-23
- Cube Root -------------------------------------------------------- pages 23-25
- Cube Root by the Inverted Slide ---------------------------------- page 25
- Multiplication of More Than Two Numbers ----------------------- page 26
- Combined Multiplication and Division ----------------------------- pages 26-30
- Miscellaneous Calculations ---------------------------------------- pages 30-32
- The Inverted Slide ------------------------------------------------ pages 32-
- Reciprocals ------------------------------------------------ page 33
- Multiplication ---------------------------------------------- pages 33-34
- Division ---------------------------------------------------- page 34-35
- Sines -------------------------------------------------------------- page 35
- Cosines ----------------------------------------------------------- pages 35-37
- Tangents ---------------------------------------------------------- pages 37-39
- Secant and Cosecant ---------------------------------------------- page 39
- Logarithms -------------------------------------------------------- page 40
- Chapter III - Typical Problems from Various Occupations ---------------- pages 41-
- Secretarial Work -------------------------------------------------- page 41
- Estimating Plastering ----------------------------------------------- page 41
- Excavating -------------------------------------------------------- pages 41-42
- Business ---------------------------------------------------------- page 42
- Per Cent of Profit ------------------------------------------ page 42
- Discount --------------------------------------------------- page 42
- Compound Interest ---------------------------------------- page 42
- Physics ----------------------------------------------------------- pages 42-43
- Chemistry -------------------------------------------------------- page 43
- Machine Shop ---------------------------------------------------- pages 43-
- Speeds of Pulleys ------------------------------------------ page 43
- Cutting Speed --------------------------------------------- pages 43-44
- Gearing ---------------------------------------------------- page 44
- Length of Pattern ------------------------------------------ page 44
- Forge Shop ----------------------------------------------- page 44
- Mixing Problems ------------------------------------------ page 45
- Surveying --------------------------------------------------------- page 45
- Complicated Settings and Guage Points --------------------------- pages 46-53
- Complicated Settings -------------------------------------- pages 46-48
- Equivalents for Scales C and D Geometrical --------------- page 48
- Arithmetical ----------------------------------------------- page 49
- Metric System -------------------------------------------- pages 49-50
- Pressures ------------------------------------------------- pages 50-51
- Combinations --------------------------------------------- pages 51-53
- Methods of Working Out Mechanical and Other Formulas ------- pages 54-62
- Diameters of Areas of Circles ----------------------------- page 54
- To Calculate Selling Prices of Goods on Cost Price ------- page 54
- To Calculate Selling Prices of Goods on Selling Price ----- page 54
- To Find The Area of a Ring ------------------------------- page 54
- Compound Interest --------------------------------------- page 54
- Levers ---------------------------------------------------- page 55
- Diameter of Pulleys of Teeth of Wheels ------------------- page 55
- Diameter of two Wheels to work at given Velosities ------- page 55
- Strength of Teeth of Wheels ------------------------------- page 55
- Diameter and Pitch of Wheels ----------------------------- page 55
- Strenth of Wrought Iron Shafting -------------------------- pages 55-56
- To find the Change Wheel in a Screw-Cutting Lathe ------- page 56
- Rules for Good leather Belting ----------------------------- page 56
- Best Manila Rope Driving --------------------------------- page 56
- Weight of Iron Bars in Pounds per Foot Length ------------ page 57
- Weight of Iron Plates in Pounds per Square Foot ---------- page 57
- Weights of Other Metals ---------------------------------- page 57
- Weight of Cast Iron Pipes --------------------------------- page 57
- Safe Load on Chains -------------------------------------- page 58
- Gravity ---------------------------------------------------- page 58
- Oscillations of Pendulums --------------------------------- page 58
- Comparison of Thermometers ----------------------------- page 58
- Force of Wind -------------------------------------------- page 59
- Discharge of Pumps --------------------------------------- page 59
- Diameter of Single-acting Pumps -------------------------- page 59
- Horse Power required for Pumps ------------------------- page 59
- Theoretic Velosity of Water for any Head ----------------- page 59
- Theoretical Discharge from a Orfice of 1 inch Square ------ page 60
- Real Discharge from Erfice in a Tank 1 inch Square ------- page 60
- Discharge from Pipes whe real velosity is known ---------- page 60
- Delivery of Water from Pipes ----------------------------- page 60
- Guaging Water with a Weir ------------------------------- page 61
- Discharge of a Turbine ------------------------------------ page 61
- Revolutions of a Turbine ---------------------------------- page 61
- Horse Power of a Turbine -------------------------------- page 61
- Horse Power of a Steam Engine -------------------------- pages 61-62
- Dynamometer to Estimate the H.P. indicated by ----------- page 62
"The Slide Rule and Plane Trigometery", by J. M. Willard
- Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------- pages 63-64
- Plane Right Triangles ---------------------------------------------------- pages 64-67
- Plane Oblique Triangles ------------------------------------------------- pages 67-69
- How to use the Manual with a Polyphase Rule --------------------------- page 73
- Use of Scales CI and K ------------------------------------------------- pages 73-74
- Reciprocals ------------------------------------------------------ page 73
- Multiplication ----------------------------------------------------- page 73
- Cubes and Cube Roots ------------------------------------------- page 74
- Higher Powers and Roots ----------------------------------------- page 74
- Expressions Which May Be Read Directly By Means Of The Indicator --- pages 74-75
- Reciprocals ------------------------------------------------------- page 75
- Expressions Solved with one Setting of Slide ----------------------------- pages 75-76
- Settings for Two Factors ------------------------------------------------- pages 76-77
- 4041 - 10" Mannheim Slide Rule ---------------------------------------- ad page 1
- 4053-3 - 10" Polyphase Mannheim Slide Rule --------------------------- ad page 1
- 4088-3 - 10" Duplex Polyphase Slide Rule ------------------------------ ad page 1
- 4100 - 10" Stadia Slide Rule -------------------------------------------- ad page 1
- 4133 - 8" Royland Electrical Slide Rule ---------------------------------- ad page 2
- 4102 - 20" Surveyor's Duplex Slide Rule -------------------------------- ad page 2
- 4095 - Merchant's (Calculating) Slide Rule ------------------------------ ad page 2
- 4160 - 10" The Chemist's Duplex Slide Rule ---------------------------- ad page 2